This Angry Bear agrees with me and almost everyone I respect. The "black candidates" do far worse damage than just effect the wrong change. They destroy our trust in the process and cause us to doubt it and ourselves.
In my opinion, what he missed, and what makes this a unique form to this nation's version of Naomie Klein's Shock Doctrine is that there are enough economically conservative minded people in the opposing party (democratic party in this case) that the ruse can be played out with a more believable presentation than if just one side is playing along. Yes, both side play it differently, but would that not be expected based on the supposed "base party" paradigms? At no time during any of these "crises" did the primary players on the democratic side resist the crisis by calling it out. Instead, they used it to get what the conservative faction of the party (a smaller faction since the last election) wants. These "wants" being very much inline with the republican non Norquist/Tea Party faction's wants. Commonly referenced as Wall Street. In the end, no one to blame...It was the crisis.This pattern has held true through out Obama's current term. In the latest example, the proposed budget from the house progressive caucus, the largest of the democratic party caucuses never was mentioned by the president. Recall the single payer health insurance issue?The issue for this posting is not the "wants". It is not about the resulting policy from the latest ruse played on We the People. The prime issue, the issue always suggested, implied, bandied about, but never out and out confronted: Public Trust.This latest Obama/conservative policy process has brought us closer than ever to the demise of our economy and thus our democracy not primarily by the furthering of the financial disequilibrium, but by the perpetuation and enlarging of the perimeters of social order that will now be distrusted. I think we have approached, if not completely included the full boundaries of American culture in that which is to be distrusted with the completion of this debt crisis event.Sadly, I do not think Obama and those referred to as the "adults in the room" know what they have done. Instead. as I stated above, they believe they are just "effecting a political strategy".
These are the most dangerous of times for the United States of America, and this is mainly true because so many in the population (the lower-class population) now possess endlessly fascinating mindless toys that distract them from being able to think clearly about the important events occurring daily that will eventually change their lives perniciously and lethally. And, you'll notice that I haven't even mentioned the lack of a good education being evident in the opinions of those who think this is a "lesser evil."
My last hope for real "change" is that the new political group (the October 3 activists) forming around the idea of appealing to real "democrats" by explaining what progressives and liberals stand for, and whom the enemies of these groups are, will help stop the slide off the greasy mountain of "self-created crisis."
It's Not the Tax and Spending Cuts, It's the Destroyed Trust That Has Doomed Our Economy Daniel Becker In the comments to my post "A Reminder from Obama's February 2009 Speech", there is the following:"I guess it relates to the fake Obama they had made up in their heads,..."This sums up the early comments to the post suggesting that those who trusted Obama have only themselves to blame. I addressed that concept in Obama, Is He Or Isn't He Real...? In that post I presented transcripts of Obama's speeches and responses to questions and then argued:
Click here for video."Are those talking like Glen Greenwald correct in that people should not be surprised with Obama's appointments? Maybe, but then based on the above Obama words, that would mean we (you and I) just plain have to approach our relationship with governing as suspect until proven otherwise. Unfortunately, that means we will always be a day late and a dollar short having never known at the time of the decision if we made the correct one because you can not go by what is said."I recommend people go and not only read the posting, but the comments. (History is always fun to review.)I concluded that posting with:This all speaks to the issue of growing our economy, because to promote distrust in a developed economy where 77% of our capital is intangible (via 2005 World Bank study) is to be destroying the prime driver of our growth. I wrote about the issue of w(h)ere our true wealth comes from a few times. For this posting I am drawing on Attention Republicans/Blue Dog Democrates: Tax Cuts As Stimulus Work Against Your Goal."Do you know what happens to a person when they can never get a straight, no hidden agenda answer from one they count on? They go nuts."February 5, 2009.From the World Bank study:“An economy with a very efficient judicial system, clear and enforceable property rights, and an effective and uncorrupt government will produce higher total wealth.”I concluded:"The Republicans/Blue Dogs, and those helping them by lending their "professionalism", think they are only effecting a political strategy. In truth, they are destroying the very basis for the wealth they desire. Their entire campaign for decades to discredit, to instill mistrust in the primary institution we have, the US (We the People) government, has been the primary cause to our economic decline. To increase the level of distrust is to decrease the available “intangible capital” which is 77% of our wealth generating power. "Which brings us to what we just experienced with the debt ceiling issue. It's not just the resulting budget changes, it's the overall cognitive change being made in the people regarding trust of our ability to access a candidate and make the choice that will produce the desired results. Clinton, as for the Dems made the first blow to our trust with "triangulation". I can and have on my own gone back and read speeches and answers to questions by Clinton during his first run and it shows the same as I note regarding Obama in "is he or isn't he real". Obama is (knowingly or not) bringing our trust close to death.Even the debt ceiling event is only the latest in a string of recent events that all drive an additional spike into the coffin of "trust".Last night on Rachel Maddow's show, Chris Hayes, noted that we are now in a phase of governance where "created" crisis is the vehicle for results. Yes, Shock Doctrine governance level II.. It was presented from the perspective that the conservative mind set is the one employing such a tactic.
In my opinion, what he missed, and what makes this a unique form to this nation's version of Naomie Klein's Shock Doctrine is that there are enough economically conservative minded people in the opposing party (democratic party in this case) that the ruse can be played out with a more believable presentation than if just one side is playing along. Yes, both side play it differently, but would that not be expected based on the supposed "base party" paradigms? At no time during any of these "crises" did the primary players on the Democratic side resist the crisis by calling it out. Instead, they used it to get what the conservative faction of the party (a smaller faction since the last election) wants. These "wants" being very much inline with the republican non Norquist/Tea Party faction's wants. Commonly referenced as Wall Street. In the end, no one to blame...It was the crisis.Read the rest of the essay and the comments here. And figure out what side you're on and organize! Or update your passport. __________________This pattern has held true through out Obama's current term. In the latest example, the proposed budget from the house progressive caucus, the largest of the democratic party caucuses never was mentioned by the president. Recall the single payer health insurance issue?The issue for this posting is not the "wants". It is not about the resulting policy from the latest ruse played on We the People. The prime issue, the issue always suggested, implied, bandied about, but never out and out confronted: Public Trust.This latest Obama/conservative policy process has brought us closer than ever to the demise of our economy and thus our democracy not primarily by the furthering of the financial disequilibrium, but by the perpetuation and enlarging of the perimeters of social order that will now be distrusted. I think we have approached, if not completely included the full boundaries of American culture in that which is to be distrusted with the completion of this debt crisis event.Sadly, I do not think Obama and those referred to as the "adults in the room" know what they have done. Instead. as I stated above, they believe they are just "effecting a political strategy".
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