Monday, August 11, 2014

(Robin Williams Dies Alone) Why Are the Neolibs (Dare We Say It?) Lying To US About The State Of Social Security? (Best Colbert EVUH!)

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Robin Williams Suicide Victim?

I'll remember the sadness of this day until I kick (h/t "The Big Chill"). He was a mentor and a personal friend to me although I had never met him.

He brightened my life immeasurably from the first glimpse I had of him on "Happy Days" to his incredibly stellar performance in "Good Morning, Vietnam," which thoroughly amused my Dad in his last few moments as he was dying from COPD-emphysema.

Final Guest on Carson

Following Williams on stage, Billy Crystal once observed, was like trying to top the Civil War. In a 1993 interview with the AP, Williams recalled an appearance early in his career on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson. Bob Hope was also there.

"It was interesting," Williams said. "He was supposed to go on before me and I was supposed to follow him, and I had to go on before him because he was late. I don't think that made him happy. I don't think he was angry, but I don't think he was pleased.

"I had been on the road and I came out, you know, gassed, and I killed and had a great time. Hope comes out and Johnny leans over and says, 'Robin Williams, isn't he funny?' Hope says, 'Yeah, he's wild. But you know, Johnny, it's great to be back here with you."'

In 1992, Carson chose Williams and Bette Midler as his final guests.

Due credit to my buddy, Driftglass, if you're feeling blue, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). Please.

You know who you are.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

Why are "they" (both parties' neolibs) in such a big hurry to change (or disappear) a system that won't have any difficulty paying out at a 100% benefit level for over 20 years?

Because they have the power now.

And they fear (in this age of "slowly connecting the U.S. through the internet") that they won't later.

(Also you could factor in their willingness to replace this very low-cost and highly-valued by the populace system with one that will benefit their bottom lines as they sell (and take a healthy cut from) spurious investments to take its place.)

4 Things You Need To Know About The State Of Social Security

by Christian E. Weller, Rebecca Vallas

Posted on July 28, 2014

Updated: July 29, 2014

The Social Security Trustees issued their annual report on the status of the Social Security trust funds on Monday. While many focus on the fact that Social Security faces a financial shortfall over the next 75 years, it’s both expected and manageable. Here are four big takeaways from the latest report:

1.   Social Security can continue to pay all promised benefits for the next two decades.
As was the case in last year’s report, the Trustees continue to estimate that Social Security will be able to pay all scheduled retirement, disability, and survivorship benefits through 2033.

Social Security has two trust funds:   one for the retirement and survivorship benefit programs, and one for the much smaller Disability Insurance (DI) program (although experts generally consider the two funds together due to the interrelated nature of Social Security’s programs). Individually, the Old Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) trust fund is projected to deplete its reserves in 2035, and the DI trust fund will do so in 2016. After 2033, the Trustees project that Social Security income from payroll taxes will be sufficient to cover 77 percent of promised benefits after 2033, unless policymakers implement changes before then.

2.   Social Security’s shortfall is modest.
The Trustees project that the entire Social Security shortfall for the next 75 years will be about 1 percent of GDP, or 2.88 percent of taxable payroll. The bulk of this shortfall, 2.55 percent of payroll or 88.5 percent of the entire shortfall, is attributed to OASI. The Trustees have long projected both the OASI and DI shortfalls. While an aging population is frequently discussed as the driving factor, recent analysis by Monique Morrissey at the Economic Policy Institute finds that as much as half of the shortfall is attributable to rising inequality and wage growth that has lagged behind gains in productivity.

3.   The fact that action will soon be needed to address Disability Insurance’s finances has long been expected. As with last year’s report, this year the Trustees continue to project that the DI trust fund will be exhausted in 2016 — something that has been expected for nearly 20 years.

The last round of major changes to Social Security occurred in 1983, and included a deep cut in the program’s share of the payroll tax, which in turn imposed a long-term financial loss on DI. Action in 1994 only partially offset the loss, and in 1995, the Trustees accurately predicted that action would be needed in 2016.

Also long expected was the growth in the DI program, which is chiefly due to well understood demographic and labor market shifts such as the Baby Boomers aging into their high-disability years (their 50s and 60s); women reaching parity with men in labor force participation, so they have sufficient work histories to be insured in case of disability; population growth; and the increase in the Social Security retirement age, which is causing DI beneficiaries to continue receiving DI for longer before switching over to retirement benefits.

As the Boomers age into retirement, DI’s growth has leveled off and is now at its lowest level in 25 years.

4.   A routine step would ensure that Social Security can pay all benefits in full through 2033. Rebalancing — an adjustment in the share of payroll taxes allocated to each of the trust funds — has occurred in a bipartisan manner 11 times in the program’s history to account for demographic shifts or other changes. About half the time funds have been reallocated toward OASI, and about half the time toward DI. The hypothetical reallocation plan outlined by Social Security’s Chief Actuary would modestly and temporarily adjust the share of payroll taxes allocated to each fund and would prevent DI’s reserve depletion while keeping the combined trust funds on their current course of remaining solvent for the next two decades.

Americans value Social Security, want to see it strengthened, and are willing to pay for it. Polling consistently shows that large majorities of Americans across all generations, income levels, and political affiliations strongly support Social Security and oppose benefit cuts. (In fact, polling conducted earlier this year by Pew found that it was about the only thing Americans can agree on.) This is something well worth keeping in mind as policymakers debate the options for closing Social Security’s shortfall.

(Rebecca Vallas is the Associate Director of the Poverty to Prosperity Program and Christian E. Weller is a Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress.)

Click here for best video ever (Hint:  Colbert!)

Okay, I jest.

But it's a close second to that White House Press Corps Dinner.


Commander Zaius said...

Robin Williams' passing shocked me on a level I didn't know I could be reached.

At one time I actually thought MSNBC's Joe Scarbrough was a decent guy, that is until he started talking about benefit cuts to social security. I haven't watched his show in years now but from what I hear he's gone into a full Fox News role like he wants to be hired by them.

Cirze said...


I'm still shell shocked.

All I can think of is that last wife must have completely made him lose faith in his ability to choose wisely or something worse.

I just hated hearing that they were in separate bedrooms.

What a lonely end.

It breaks my heart.

Scarborough was outed to me the first time I heard him suck up to scum (I've forgotten the occasion, but I do remember thinking he was already a Faux Snoozer then).

I read somewhere that the way ALL the national newsers proved their cred to each other was to chant that SS had to be privatized in order to "save" it.

Made sense to me then.

Still does.

They've all got to go.

Love ya,