Monday, May 25, 2015

(Like Good Fiction? How About Really Bad Fiction?)  Welcome To More Gov't Lies  (Yes, You're Welcomed To Them)  Very Fragile Neuroplasticity?

[Been watching Noam Chomsky's talk with John Nichols of "The Nation" on LINK TV this weekend? You should. It has my highest recommendation for everyone, especially those who'd really like to figure out what's been happening in politics for the last 40 years (and insight on The Mondragón and Podemos successes).  Dynamite TV!]

I've been reconsidering H.G. Welles' brilliant book War of the Worlds and the resulting movies, especially the panic-inducing 1938 radio broadcast that was narrated and directed by Orson Welles, the brilliant 1953 movie (and, yes, the Stephen Spielberg failure with Tom Cruise, currently on TNT, is surely at the bottom of the movie pit), and wondering if that half-alertness or almost zombie-likeness I'd detected in the characters (okay, maybe it's mainly Cruise' forte although Tim Robbins runs a strong second) can also be detected in our citizenry's response to important government pronouncements for the last several decades. Although all of us are running in panic-stricken fright from the plans for the TPP and our democracy's final demise at the hands of the neolib cons.

I've mentioned the huge jump in gasoline prices lately that has seemed to escape public commentary (not data mining though), but here's how that relates to the real world situation (or so it would seem in my mind's eye).

When Obama was elected and immediately we were treated to the implementation of the opposite of the policies on which he ran, I thought that it must mean that the fix was in. (Nothing else made sense, but every time I mentioned it to various political groupings I was accused of not understanding his eleventy-sided chess game against the real baddies.)

And then he ran. And won again. As if the voters had no choice but to choose someone who had already sold them out. Lesser Evilism it was pronounced (from on high).

Turns out that not only have the election choices (most probably) been fixed, but that almost all the figures from which citizens believe they make these decisions have also been fixed.

For a very long time.

Why wouldn't all of our candidates be also?

Got the following link from Paul Craig Roberts. Remember who he is?

This could be the most important hint we've received in decades. Just a hint, but this one with real numbers attached.

The Government Fraudulently Reported April Inflation Numbers

May 22, 2015

There’s no B.S. like the BLS – Dave Kranzler, Investment Research Dynamics

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported the Consumer Price Index for April this morning. This Ministry of “Truth” published an inflation report that asserts that consumer inflation rose .1% month over month for April.   But a further dissection of the numbers shows that the BLS has the price of gasoline falling 1.7% during April.

This is either a politically motivated act of fraud or complete incompetence on the part of the Government statisticians and data gatherers (the Census Bureau).

In fact, the price of gasoline rose over 12% during April – the fastest monthly rise in history:


As you can see, the price of gasoline rose from $1.77 to $2.00 during the month of April. Either the people running the BLS are complete incompetent idiots or have been given strict orders from above – i.e. the White House – to produce politically friendly economic reports. Let’s call the BLS “The Ministry of Disinformation.”

The BLS’ distortion of the data it reports is far greater and fraudulent that ANYONE is willing to admit, investigate or report.

Here’s what they did to gold after that fraud-filled CPI report was released (click to enlarge):

Gold hit

Any questions as to the political motivation behind the Government’s intentional release of fraudulent economic data?

Thoughts on “The Government Fraudulently Reported April Inflation Numbers”

  1. actually Gasoline was 2.05 at the close on 4/30 which makes the price increase for April higher.
    The real question is whether anything is correct or even reasonably correct in government reporting.

    1. Almost all the economic data from basically all governments on Earth are completely and totally false. I read the book, In The Plex, about Google and it’s founders and the father of Sergey Brin was a Soviet Economist. Brin’s father and his phD colleagues were tasked with constantly coming up with new formulas, equations and weightings to use statistics to lie to the Soviet people by the government. New formulas were constantly released and changed to show there was never any inflation in the Soviet Union and that the Soviet standard of living for individual regular citizens was much higher than the average middle class American. We are seeing a lot of this now from the US, UK, China, Japan, ECB, etc., except the difference is Wall St, mainstream academia, mainstream media and many sheeple who haven’t woken up yet believe all this information the government puts out. Soviet citizens didn’t believe anything the government said and most believed the exact opposite. There’s a lot of people who have blind faith in governments for doing the right thing and being mostly honest.
    1. It’s the main trading algorithm used by the Fed/bullion banks and administered by the BIS, per our interview with Jeff Nielson
    2. They Jailed Bernie Maddoff for running a Ponzi Scheme yet do the very same themselves.
      Whole lot should face Jail Time and not Bail (out) these Bastards.
Take a look at this article from "The Baffler."

It just might change your mind about the all-knowingness MSM myth about "Silicon Valley." (And "Wall Street.")

We had once imagined that human attention was infinitely divisible, with each particle of it potentially available to advertisers, entertainers, and employers. But it was turning out to be fragile, even endangered, and in need of constant repair.

Where brilliance and creativity had formerly reigned, there were, by the turn of the millennium, suspicions of pathology. Child psychiatrists began to drop “bipolarity” as a default diagnosis and turn their attention to attention itself. Too many children were deficient in it, just as their plugged-in parents were often guilty of “distracted parenting.”

The switch from bipolarity to attention deficit disorder is hard to date exactly, in part because these conditions are now said to be frequently “comorbid,” or overlapping. But as we began to spend more and more of our time interacting with mood-less programs and devices, psychiatry seems to have turned from emotional concerns like bipolarity, which is a “mood disorder,” to cognitive problems like ADD and ADHD.

At the same time, diagnoses of autism and Asperger’s syndrome were skyrocketing — especially, as a 2001 article in "Wired" pointed out, in Santa Clara County, home of Silicon Valley.

Among the adult population, surely something was wrong with Steve Jobs, who alternated between obsessive attention to details and complete withdrawal into himself, between a spiritual aloofness and uncontrolled temper tantrums. Some observers thought they detected a hint of autism in the unblinking, almost affect-free Bill Gates, and the characters in HBO’s "Silicon Valley" are portrayed as well “within the spectrum.”

So Silicon Valley embraced mindfulness with a twinge of contrition. Not only did its corporate culture encourage something called “geek syndrome,” but its products seemed to spread that same derangement to everyone else. The devices that were supposed to make us smarter and more connected to other humans were actually messing with our minds, causing “net brain” and “monkey mind,” as well as physical disorders associated with long hours of sitting.

As we click between Twitter and Facebook, text and hypertext, one link and another, synapses are being formed and then broken with febrile inconstancy — or so a growing number of experts, such as MIT’s Sherry Turkle, warn us — leaving the neuronal scaffolding too fragile to house large thoughts.

A less arrogant industry might have settled for warning labels on its phones and pads, but Silicon Valley wanted an instant cure, preferably one that was hi-tech and marketable. The great advantage of mindfulness was that it seemed to be based firmly on science; no “hippie bullshit” or other “woo woo” was involved.

A neuroscientist reported that Buddhist monks with about ten thousand hours of meditation under their belts had altered brain functions; shorter bouts of meditation seemed to work at least temporary changes in novices. The field of “contemplative neuroscience” was born, and Silicon Valley seized on it for a much-needed “neural hack.” Through meditation, monastic or app-guided, anyone could reach directly into their own moist brain tissue and “resculpt” it in a calmer, more attentive direction. Mindfulness, as its promoters put it, fosters “neuroplasticity.”

Ha Ha. HA!

Read the entire article here.

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