Bernie Sanders | This Campaign Was Never About Me
Sanders writes: "I believe that more than ever. We still have a path to the nomination. The truth is that if we stand together, there is no limit to what we can accomplish. We can bring hope to the political process. We can make real change."
In short: Sanders won the
majority of counties (42 out of 63) in New York. He won all of upstate New York with the exclusion of the three largest cities (Syracuse, Buffalo and Rochester). We know that the NY get-out-the-vote mob (reminds one of Tammany Hall) controls the big cities - so no surprise there.
Sanders lost all five boroughs, though he put up a good fight in Queens and Staten Island.
Thousand of voters were blocked from voting by the entrenched NY voting (machine) tenders.
How many thousands of the missing votes do you think would have gone to Sanders versus Clinton?
Sanders is trailing Clinton by
277 delegates/votes. Period. Superdelegates are not awarded until the primaries/caucuses are finito.
(And P.S., the U.S. elects the President by electoral votes, not popular votes - thus the pandits announcing that Hillary is ahead by 3 MILLION VOTES are ludicrously inaccurate (perhaps purposely so) as to how the win will be determined.)
And the huge number of delegates still to be awarded have not had a winner determined yet because there's lots and lots of states still to vote.
Believe it.
Keep fighting for your right to vote.
Friends -
When we started this campaign, we were down almost 50 points in New York — the state where Hillary Clinton was elected to two terms in the U.S. Senate.
We didn’t get the victory we had hoped for this evening, but what’s important is that it looks like we’re going to win a lot more delegates in New York than any state that voted or caucused before tonight.
So what does that mean? Five important states vote one week from tonight, with more delegates at stake than Hillary Clinton led by coming into tonight. And if we do well next Tuesday, we remain in a position to take the pledged delegate lead when almost 700 delegates are up for grabs on June 7.
As you read this, thousands of supporters are responding to tonight’s results with contributions because they believe we can win. I need to know if I can count on you to add yours.
Match your previous contribution to our campaign tonight, and we are going to have the resources we need to do very well next week and to take the pledged delegate lead on June 7.
If you've saved payment info with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
Express Donate: $10
Express Donate: $27
Express Donate: $50
Express Donate: $100
Express Donate: $250
Or, donate another amount
From the day we started this campaign, the corporate media counted us out. The political establishment and financial elite organized against us. But every great movement in American history faced many of the same obstacles and eventually won because of a simple, timeless human truth: when people come together, when they stand together even through adversity, they win.
And so will we.
Add your contribution here.
In solidarity,
Bernie Sander
April 18, 2016
Earlier today, our cofounders, Jerry Greenfield and Ben Cohen, along with hundreds of other activists, were arrested as part of "Democracy Awakening" ’s direct action on the steps of the U.S. Capitol Building.
(Click to enlarge photo.)
We spoke to them just before it happened. “The history of our country is that nothing happens,” said Ben, “until people start putting their bodies on the line and risk getting arrested.”

It all comes down to a simple idea that we believe in whole-heartedly: if you care about something, you have to be willing to risk it all — your reputation, your values, your business — for the greater good.
Protesting injustice has been on the agenda all weekend. We’ve been in Washington, D.C. with "Democracy Awakening," a remarkable event that brought together hundreds of groups and thousands of people in an effort to fix our broken democracy. There are two trends that everyone from Greenpeace to the NAACP has realized are making it impossible for much good work to get done. The first is the flood of unregulated cash flowing into campaigns and elections. And the second is the wave of attacks in many states on citizens’ right to vote.
"Democracy Awakening" is just the beginning of a movement to ensure that every citizen’s voice is heard and that power in this country is returned to the people.
But Jerry and Ben and hundreds of others felt that they had to do something more, once the marches and the speeches came to an end. As Ben said, there’s a powerful legacy of direct action in this country. From mass protests like the March on Washington and 2014’s People’s Climate March in NYC, to incredibly powerful if quieter and more personal actions like the 1960 Woolworth sit-ins started by four African-American students in Greensboro, NC, or the protest against Shell Oil’s plan to drill in the arctic by kayakers in Seattle.
Sometimes, when something really matters, you have to put your body on the line. You have to take a stand.
We all have a role to play in the fight for justice. Join us this year as we spread the word and take action. Democracy belongs in the hands of all Americans, not in the pockets of a few billionaires. And no citizen who wants to vote should ever be kept from the polls. "Democracy Awakening" inspired hope and created excitement that all participants will carry back home with them to their own communities.
This is how real change happens.
- Call on Congress to pass a Constitutional Amendment that overturns "Citizens United" and gets the money out of politics.
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I love their Cherry Garcia Froyo and Chunky Monkey!
Can't be beat.
Titular co-creators of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield were arrested Monday, along with many others, for protesting in front of the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. You can check out some photos they posted about the protest and experience on their website.
It all comes down to a simple idea that we believe in whole-heartedly: if you care about something, you have to be willing to risk it all — your reputation, your values, your business — for the greater good.
Protesting injustice has been on the agenda all weekend. We’ve been in Washington, D.C. with "Democracy Awakening," a remarkable event that brought together hundreds of groups and thousands of people in an effort to fix our broken democracy. There are two trends that everyone from Greenpeace to the NAACP has realized are making it impossible for much good work to get done. The first is the flood of unregulated cash flowing into campaigns and elections. And the second is the wave of attacks in many states on citizens’ right to vote.
This is all in tandem with numerous protests going on as a part of the "Democracy Spring" and "Democracy Awakening" movement, meant to bring light to campaign finance and corporate control of the government. The last line from Ben & Jerry’s is about how everyone has a role to play in our democracy and protesting inequalities at the Capitol Building need not be left on those steps and that the excitement that people feel in trying to make that change needs to be brought back into their own communities when they leave Washington.
This is how real change happens.
Speaking of real change occurring some 30-plus years ago.
Paul Craig Roberts gives us an insider's view:
Paul Craig Roberts
When Ronald Reagan turned his back on the neoconservatives, fired them, and had some of them prosecuted, his administration was free of their evil influence, and President Reagan negotiated the end of the Cold War with Soviet President Gorbachev. The military/security complex, the CIA, and the neocons were very much against ending the Cold War as their budgets, power, and ideology were threatened by the prospect of peace between the two nuclear superpowers.
I know about this, because I was part of it. I helped Reagan create the economic base for bringing the threat of a new arms race to a failing Soviet economy in order to pressure the Soviets into agreement to end the Cold War, and I was appointed to a secret presidential committee with subpeona power over the CIA. The secret committee was authorized by President Reagan to evaluate the CIA’s claim that the Soviets would prevail in an arms race. The secret committee concluded that this was the CIA’s way of perpetuting the Cold War and the CIA’s importance.
The George H. W. Bush administration and its Secretary of State James Baker kept Reagan’s promises to Gorbachev and achieved the reunification of Germany with promises that NATO would not move one inch to the East.
The corrupt Clintons, for whom the accumulation of riches seems to be their main purpose in life, violated the assurances given by the United States that had ended the Cold War. The two puppet presidents — George W. Bush and Obama — who followed the Clintons lost control of the US government to the neocons, who promptly restarted the Cold War, believing in their hubris and arrogance that History has chosen the US to exercise hegemony over the world.
Thus was mankind’s chance for peace lost along with America’s leadership of the world. Under neocon influence, the United States government threw away its soft power and its ability to lead the world into a harmonious existance over which American influence would have prevailed.
Instead the neocons threatened the world with coercion and violence, attacking eight countries and fomenting “color revolutions” in former Soviet republics.
The consequence of this crazed insanity was to create an economic and military strategic alliance between Russia and China. Without the neocons’ arrogant policy, this alliance would not exist. It was a decade ago that I began writing about the strategic alliance between Russia and China that is a response to the neocon claim of US world hegemony.
The strategic alliance between Russia and China is militarily and economically too strong for Washington. China controls the production of the products of many of America’s leading corporations, such as Apple. China has the largest foreign exchange reserves in the world. China can, if the government wishes, cause a massive increase in the American money supply by dumping its trillions of dollars of US financial assets.
To prevent a collapse of US Treasury prices, the Federal Reserve would have to create trillions of new dollars in order to purchase the dumped financial instruments. The rest of the world would see another expansion of dollars without an expansion of real US output and become skeptical of the US dollar. If the world abandoned the US dollar, the US government could no longer pay its bills.
Europe is dependent on Russian energy. Russia can cut off this energy. There are no alternatives in the short-run, and perhaps not in the long run. If Russia shuts off the energy, Germany industry shuts down. Europeans freeze to death in the winter. Despite these facts, the neocons have forced Europe to impose economic sanctions on Russia. What if Russia responded in kind?
NATO, as US military authorities admit, has no chance of invading Russia or withstanding a Russian attack on NATO. NATO is a cover for Washington’s war crimes.
It can provide no other service.
Thanks to the greed of US corporations that boosted their profits by offshoring their production to China, China is modernized many decades before the neocons thought possible. China’s military forces are modernized with Russian weapons technology. New Chinese missiles make the vaunted US Navy and its aircraft carriers obsolete.
The neocons boast how they have surrounded Russia, but it is America that is surrounded by Russia and China, thanks to the incompetent leadership that the US has had beginning with the Clintons. Judging from Killary’s support in the current presidential primaries, many voters seem determined to perpetuate incompetent leadership.
Despite being surrounded, the neocons are pressing for war with Russia which means also with China. If Killary Clinton makes it to the White House, we could get the neocon’s war.
The neocons have flocked to the support of Killary. She is their person. Watch the feminized women of America put Killary in office. Keep in mind that Congress gave its power to start wars to the president.
The United States does not have a highly intelligent or well informed population. The US owes its 20th century dominance to World War I and World War II which destroyed more capable countries and peoples. America became a superpower because of the self-destruction of other countries.
Despite neocon denials that their hubris has created a powerful alliance against the US, a professor at the US Navy War College stresses the reality of the Russian-Chinese strategic alliance.
Last August a joint Russian-Chinese sea and air exercise took place in the Sea of Japan, making it clear to America’s Japanese vassal that it was defenceless if Russia and China so decided.
The Russian defense minister Sergey Shoigu said that the joint exercise illustrates the partnership between the two powers and its stabilizing effect on that part of the world.
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said that Russian-Chinese relations are able to resist any international crises.
The only achievements of the American neoconservatives are to destroy in war crimes millions of peoples in eight countries and to send the remnant populations fleeing into Europe as refugees, thus undermining the American puppet governments there, and to set back the chances of world peace and American leadership by creating a powerful strategic alliance between Russia and China.
This boils down to extraordinary failure. It is time to hold the neoconservatives accountable, not elect another puppet for them to manipulate.
Why not?
The guy who was chosen to write the 9/11 report (probably before 9/11) has no idea what really happened.
And he teaches a free online history course - so everyone should rush to join it (in progress) so he can be questioned closely.
As if.
9/11 Coverup Czar Zelikow "Doesn't Know What the Real Story Is."
Cornered rat?
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