Walgreens Partners With Big Pharma to Sell More Psychiatric Drugs
The Art of the Double-Dealing Megalomaniac
I know we have been (almost anxiously) awaiting the deep-sixing, shouty-media attacks on the billionaire-unblessed candidates for several months now (and, yes, I'm taking into account the outright ignoring of Bernie's massive wins and the thousands of Sandersnistas who come to his rallies). Who would have believed that the first one would be on a billionaire-blessed baby and that it would be on a health issue? And, true or not, it's the first shot fired in what is sure to be a brutal conflict without the presence of Bernie Sanders (who will disappear soon entirely from the news coverage if we still trust the majors - CBS/NBC/ABC/CNN/MSNBC - to call the shots) to calm things down and remind everyone that there is still at least one adult in the mix.
Hillary has had at least a mini-stoke and has been having fainting spells since at least 2009, when she broke an elbow. She also appears to have gained a lot of weight and one wonders if that is the result of stress or difficulty managing her medication.
I will only add that I'm doing a deep dive myself into the email story, and will say without elaboration here, there is a there there. Whether it will be prosecuted or blow over is anyone's guess. In Zephyr Teachout's terms corruption is the use of "public power for private ends." How corrupt is the Department of Justice? In my view, very. After all, Bush thought of the Attorney General as the president's lawyer (not the nation's), and under Obama, no banker was even considered for indictment or trial, at least to all appearances. Was that justice speaking, or Obama, who raised more money from Wall Street in 2008 than even Clinton did?
Will Comey stand up to Obama, should he find evidence that justifies an indictment, the way he stood up to Bush in the famous Ashcroft hospital room scene? Before you answer, consider that Comey, as a "loyal bushie" and part of the Ashcroft Justice Dept., let pass any number of Bush atrocities before he found the one atrocity (still unnamed) even he couldn't stomach. Which means he can swallow a lot without giving himself, or anyone around him, gas.
So the jury's out on Comey and what he will do, even if the facts are against her. Still, there's a there there, and that "there" will come home sometime. This black swan, in other words, will land. When though, and with what result, is anyone's guess at this point.
And then there's that always ever-present question:
On the other hand . . . .
At least one voice has arisen from the gathering crowd deliberately raising her fist against the neo-nazi/con/lib fascist hordes.
In 2019 and 2023, no one of Sanders' caliber will run against Trump or Clinton. The neoliberal wing of the Democratic party will get its shit together and make damn sure that no Sanders can even run, much less win. Anyone who supports Sanders now will be squeezed out of any meaningful role in the Democratic party. The neoliberal elite has too much power, and they're not going to give it up without a fight.
The only way to defeat neoliberalism is to defeat it all at once worldwide. It is certainly possible to defeat neoliberalism locally, but if a locality makes inroads against neoliberalism, it will be co-opted (Podemos) or brutally crushed (Syriza).
The neoliberal elite will retain its grip until the system fails catastrophically. The question is not how to defeat or even ameliorate neoliberalism politically: that train left the station in 1980. The question is: when neoliberalism fails catastrophically, who will pick up the pieces? The race is on between fascism and communism, and fascism is winning.
Beware the “Proven 15-Year Track Record” on Wall Street
By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: May 12, 2016
PowerShares QQQ Touts Its 15-Year Track Record in Commercial
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