Friday, June 19, 2009

Dan Froomkin Fired by WaPo - Krugman

According to Paul Krugman in this afternoon's online New York Times:

the Washington Post has fired Dan Froomkin, of the White House Watch blog.

This is no surprise to those of us of the conspiratorialist persuasion, but it is to Professor and Nobel Prize winner Krugman who exposes with this blog post the almost unbelievable lie that has been told everyday in the media to the citizens of the United States. (Emphasis marks added - Ed.)

On the face of it, it’s a puzzling decision. Aside from the excellence of Froomkin’s work, he’s popular with readers. On sheer business grounds, why drop him?

OK, I have no idea about the actual decision process. But I have a theory about the general mindset of the people who made this decision. Here’s how I see things: many people in the news media, especially at the managerial level, decided a long time ago that movement conservatism was The Future — and that the sensible thing, whether or not you yourself were a conservative, was to go with the wave. That meant treating right-wing politicians and media figures with great respect, while ridiculing the opposition as the Incredible Shrinking Democrats or the Incredibly Shrinking Democrats, or whatever.

And anyone who didn’t treat the right with great respect, who didn’t get with the program, was a flake, a moonbat. The way Iraq war skeptics were frozen out of the prewar discussion was only the most conspicuous example; pretty much the same thing happened in early 2005 to anyone questioning the push for Social Security privatization.

Now, you might think that the way things turned out — the total failure of movement conservatism in government, and the abrupt, humiliating end to the Permanent Republican Majority — would lead to some soul-searching. But that’s not how human nature works. Instead, it became more urgent than ever to assert that those who didn’t get with the program were flakes and moonbats, not worthy of being listened to, while those who believed in the right to the bitter end were “serious”. Thus we still live in an era in which you have to have been wrong to be respectable. You’re not considered serious about national security unless you were for invading Iraq; you’re not considered a serious political analyst unless you spent the last 3 years of the Bush administration predicting a Republican comeback; you’re not considered a serious economic analyst unless you dismissed the idea that the Bush Boom, such as it was, rested on a housing bubble.

That’s why the firing of Dan Froomkin now makes a perverse sort of sense. As long as the right was in power, he was in effect the Post’s designated moonbat, someone who attracted readers but didn’t threaten the self-esteem of the self-perceived serious people at the paper. But now he looks like someone who was right when the serious people were wrong — and that means he has to go.

And so he went (and this is why Bush and Cheney (and all the rest of the criminal conspiracy of the last eight years) are given respectful TV puppet show appearances as they lie and lie and lie to the American electorate).

Watch out for that Iran puppet show on your TV stations now!

Suzan _____________


Commander Zaius said...

Remember in ancient times the powers that be often killed the messenger when he brought bad news. In a glass-half-full sort of way I guess since we just fire people from their jobs that makes us more advanced.

Cirze said...

Yeah, BB,

We're certainly more advanced today. We can lie with such equanimity at the top levels of political society that the people on the bottom are just left shaking their heads in confusion at the outrageousness of the con instead of yelling "Liar!" and demanding changes.

Progress is our most important product.
- Ronald Reagan for GE during the 50's.

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