Sunday, June 28, 2009

Osama bin Laden Not on List of Perpetrators of 9/11 Attacks - No Evidence - Ever

"The commission had to subpoena the F.A.A. for documents, had to subpoena NORAD for documents and they will never get the full story. That is one of the tragedies. One of these days we will have to get the full story because the 9-11 issue is so important to America. But this White House wants to cover it up."Former Senator Max Cleland who stepped down from the 9/11 Commission December 2003 - Interview with 'Democracy Now', 23 March 2004"

Remember Senator Max Cleland from Georgia? No? Perhaps you'll remember him now.

FBI Director Robert Mueller stated "we have not uncovered a single piece of paper - either here in the United States or in the treasure trove of information that has turned up in Afghanistan and elsewhere - that mentioned any aspect of the September 11 plot." And, even though lots of false flags were floated after this strident denial of links, none have been mentioned in years (and, of course, "W" said publicly that he was no longer concerned with his whereabouts). Surprise. Surprise. I'll never forget telling my Intro to Business class on September 12, 2001, to be very careful in viewing the evidence with which they would be presented about who caused 9/11 as everything that was reported initially seemed spurious to me (from my background in middle eastern politics (not to mention the 25 years in aerospace defense logistics systems)). It's still looking like good advice. Especially in light of the "necessary" invasions of Afghanistan, Iraq and the upcoming one of Iran if Cheney's NeoCons can be believed as they spread out over the mainstream media to tout their solution to the Iranian "stolen" election (Mossad) tweets. (Emphasis marks added - Ed.)

In a speech in San Francisco on April 19, 2002, FBI Director Robert Mueller stated that, "In our investigation, we have not uncovered a single piece of paper - either here in the United States or in the treasure trove of information that has turned up in Afghanistan and elsewhere - that mentioned any aspect of the September 11 plot." In the speech, there was a tone of underlying surprise in Mueller's voice because he, like so many of us, had by that point accepted as self-evident truth the given narrative of 19 Arab hijackers under the direction of Osama bin Laden as the responsible perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks. And such a complex, well-orchestrated crime should have left a long paper trail and discarded pile of evidence for investigators to follow and pick up. But there was none. In fact, "the FBI's (current) page on bin Laden as a 'Most Wanted Terrorist' does not list him as wanted for 9/11, and when asked why, a FBI spokesman said, 'because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting bin Laden to 9/11'." (Debunking 9/11 Debunking, pg. 21, Dr. David Ray Griffin, Olive Branch Press, 2007.)

And the reason no evidence has been uncovered connecting bin Laden to 9/11 is simple - the plot was not hatched in a cave in Afghanistan. There is no cave, there is no evidence to find (at least not where we are looking) because the plot was hatched by a small group of people yet to be investigated - a cabal of high level, in-house perpetrators intent on inventing a 'new enemy' and a 'new Pearl Harbor'-like incident in order to conjure public support for their pre-existing, well-documented agenda and plans to redirect American domestic and foreign policy to feed their own self-serving imperial desires. After all, who benefited more from September 11th than the leaders of PNAC (Project for the New American Century), the Neo-Con movement, and their corporate overlords?

The paper that follows will offer proof to support the above hypothesis and direction for further inquiry and investigation.

And nothing has changed since then. Other than that even more innocents are dying in droves in Afghanistan and Iraq (and more mideast Emerald City construction is planned by Halliburton's new entity) and the planning for Iran's has moved into high gear aided by twits. Suzan ____________________

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