Lots of scary stuff going on now.
And you just thought it was the Halloween madness.
Obama Keeps Pentagon Spigot Open
A Military-Backed Comedian Will Be Guatemala’s Next President & Activists Aren’t Laughing_ _ _ _ _ _ _
Reminder: The Bubonic Plague Is Alive and Well
Reliable Rebel
Jeremy Corbyn and the Revival of the Radical Left
The disciples of New Labour lost spectacularly to Jeremy Corbyn, an easy-going leftist. His strategy was simple: he talked in plain terms about the moral wrongness of a Tory agenda to which Labour had ceased to offer clear opposition—and about what Labour could do to create a more just and equal country. The party once closely identified with the cautious, compromised politics of the Third Way is now, against all expectations, led by a socialist.
Corbyn is a mainstay of the British left. For years, he has demonstrated alongside trade unionists, left-wing students, and assorted other radicals.
The Scariest Halloween Stock Market Chart
The stock market's advance is immortal - isn't it?
What would Halloween be without a scary chart of "The Stock Market That Cannot Die?" We know the stock market cannot die because we're constantly told it's immortal:
(Click on photo to enlarge)
You know the drill: the Federal Reserve will never let the market fall, never, never, never: it will continue to loft higher for all time, in immortal glory.
Like a blood-sucking vampire, the market is parasitically feeding off the real economy. As the host weakens, the parasite increases its control. Now the market is telling the real economy: if I die, you die, too.
The entire Status Quo is now utterly dependent on a rising stock market: not just for the illusion of the wealth effect, but for tax revenues, pension fund stability, and the fantasy that a rising market is a substitute for a healthy economy.
It's terribly frightening to be in thrall to a parasite that will bleed its host dry to maintain itself. But that's not the scariest possibility.
The scariest possibility is that the stock market will fall despite all the promises that its advance is immortal.
If this were to happen, all those "safe" index funds would implode along with the broad market.
One of my pumpkins whose entire 401K retirement account is in "safe" S&P 500 index funds looked at the chart above and completely lost it. The possibility that the market is not only not immortal but might be poised for a staggering decline can drive even the most trusting investor to drink.

Posted by Charles Hugh Smith_ _ _ _ _ _ _
A calm, definitive take about a very scary situation from my buddy at The Green Eagle:
Working the Refs
Well, now that the dust has cleared from the most recent Republican excuse for a debate, it is becoming more clear what they accomplished. Here's a short list:
1. Managing to define the totally business-controlled CNBC as a dastardly part of the "liberal press," out to do them harm by asking any question they don't find it convenient to answer.
2. Finally make it totally legitimate to deal with any question that challenges them in any way, by ignoring it and simply going off on a tirade against the press, accompanied by thunderous applause from their hand-picked audience of ignorant savages.
This method of dealing with things was, of course, raised from an occasional dodge to SOP by Sarah Palin. This is one of the legacies that she left us: utterly misplaced anger is now a substitute to answering a question.
3. By canceling the upcoming debate that was to have been run by NBC, they have established that they do not need to have even the pretense that this is a real effort to examine the candidates' beliefs. They are now free to run these debates as nothing but a cynical political sideshow; a self-awarded freedom they will certainly take advantage of.
4. Surrendering to the candidates the right to determine what sort of questions get asked. Given the cynical bunch of grifters they have assembled, you can imagine how that will work out.
There has been a decade long (at least) trend among Republican candidates to insist that they not be forced to answer any questions they don't want to, or submit to anything even resembling an impartial interview.
They have turned the right of the public to know who the candidates are, into the right of the candidates to have nothing known about them except their packaged publicity. This is ideal for Republicans, of course, because their real agenda - stripping the country of its wealth, to give to their rich backers - is hardly likely to have widespread appeal.
In order to win elections, it is vital to them that they prevent any real information about themselves from seeing the light of day. This newest manipulation of the debate process is one more step toward an election process that is as forthright as a Volkswagen pollution control system.