Sunday, November 13, 2011

Still Think We're Leaving Iraq? Fools! Think Again!

So, close enough to a trillion dollars later (with so much more to come in, among other things, bills for the care of the American war-wounded and traumatized), don’t let anyone say that the United States got nothing out of the invasion and occupation of Iraq.

We're not leaving. We're never leaving. And we are taking Saddam's commode!

November 13, 2011
Tomgram: Andrew Bacevich, The Passing of the Postwar Era

[Note for TomDispatch Readers: Many thanks to those of you who sent in $75 contributions for a signed copy of my new book, The United States of Fear, or $140 for a signed two-pack, including my previous book, The American Way of War.  Those contributions really do help keep us afloat and are truly appreciated.  Those of you who meant to send in a contribution but haven’t yet, just click here to do so and reserve the new book quite literally hot off the presses.  I’m hoping that the first copies of The United States of Fear will arrive late this week directly from the printers, though I can’t promise anything.  As soon as they are in my hands, they’ll be winging their way to you.  Keep in mind that those of you who can’t afford $75 or more but want to make a contribution to TomDispatch can do so by pre-ordering the new book at  As long as you arrive at Amazon via this or any other TomDispatch book link, whatever you buy - my book, a DVD, a pair of shoes, or a camera - this site gets a modest cut of the sale at no extra cost to you.  Tom]

Sometimes, just when you least expect it, symbolism steps right up and coldcocks you.  So how about this headline for - in the spirit of our last president - ushering America’s withdrawal from Iraq right over the nearest symbolic cliff: “U.S. empties biggest Iraq base, takes Saddam’s toilet.”  They’re talking about Victory Base, formerly - again in the spirit of thoroughly malevolent symbolism - Camp Victory, the enormous American military base that sits at the edge of Baghdad International Airport and that we were never going to leave.

If you want to measure the size of American pretensions in Iraq once upon a time, just consider this: that base, once meant - as its name implied - to be Washington’s triumphalist and eternal military command post in the oil heartlands of the planet, is encircled by 27 miles of blast walls and razor wire.  (By comparison, the island I live on, Manhattan Island to be exact, is just 13.4 miles long.)  So that’s big.  It was, in fact, the biggest of the 505 bases the U.S. built in Iraq.

By the way, it does seem just a tad ironic that only at the moment of departure are Americans given an accurate count of just how many bases “we” built in that country to the tune of billions of dollars
Previous published figures were in the “more than 300” range.  In recent months, Victory Base has been stripped of much and locked down You can almost hear taps playing for the closing of its Burger King, Subway, Taco Bell, and Cinnabon franchises, its bottled water plant, its electric grid (which delivered power with an effectiveness the occupation was otherwise incapable of providing for the people of Baghdad), its “mother of all PXs,” its hospital, and so many of the other “improvements” now valued at $100 million or more.

Anyway, I was talking about toilets, wasn’t I?  Not to belabor the point, but back in 2003 George W. Bush was given Saddam Hussein’s pistol as a trophy after the Iraqi dictator was captured by U.S. forces in his “spider hole.”   Now, it seems, Americans get the ultimate trophy: the stainless steel toilet Saddam used during his imprisonment in one of his old palaces at Camp Victory for the three years before he was hanged.  On the theory that we installed it, so it’s ours to keep, it was removed in August and shipped back to the United States, destined for the Military Police Museum at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri.  So, close enough to a trillion dollars later (with so much more to come in, among other things, bills for the care of the American war-wounded and traumatized), don’t let anyone say that the United States got nothing out of the invasion and occupation of Iraq.

When our trophy for the eight-year debacle is a commode, you know that we’re in a new era, even if that's news in Washington, as TomDispatch regular Andrew Bacevich, author of Washington Rules: America’s Path to Permanent War, indicates.
(To catch Timothy MacBain’s latest Tomcast audio interview in which Bacevich discusses how his students have come to accept perpetual American war as normalcy click  here, or download it to your iPod  here.) Tom

Big Change Whether We Like It or Not 
Only Washington Is Clueless
By Andrew Bacevich
In every aspect of human existence, change is a constant.  Yet change that actually matters occurs only rarely.  Even then, except in retrospect, genuinely transformative change is difficult to identify.  By attributing cosmic significance to every novelty and declaring every unexpected event a revolution, self-assigned interpreters of the contemporary scene - politicians and pundits above all - exacerbate the problem of distinguishing between the trivial and the non-trivial.  

Did 9/11 “change everything”?  For a brief period after September 2001, the answer to that question seemed self-evident: of course it did, with massive and irrevocable implications.  A mere decade later, the verdict appears less clear. 

Today, the vast majority of Americans live their lives as if the events of 9/11 had never occurred.  When it comes to leaving a mark on the American way of life, the likes of Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg have long since eclipsed Osama bin Laden.  (Whether the legacies of Jobs and Zuckerberg will prove other than transitory also remains to be seen.)
Anyone claiming to divine the existence of genuinely Big Change Happening Now should, therefore, do so with a sense of modesty and circumspection, recognizing the possibility that unfolding events may reveal a different story.
Click here to read more of this dispatch.

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